March 25, 2016

Batman v. Superman: Movie Review

"Batman v. Superman" is gorgeous at times, but messy, unbalanced and unnecessary. The film raises the question of if there should even be more DC Universe films.

March 24, 2016

Top 10: Best Sequels Arriving This Year

As we finally come further and further into 2016, more films are setting release dates. Unsurprisingly, a good majority of these films happen to be sequels. Not all is lost, as some of these sequels look to change our views of hating sequels.

March 18, 2016

Top 10: Worst Sequels Arriving This Year

As we continue on into 2016, more and more sequels are heading out from post-production and setting dates. Let's go ahead and look at the 10 worst sequels coming out into theaters this year.

March 9, 2016

London Has Fallen: Movie Review

A poorly visualized story with an emphasis on American patriotism makes London Has Fallen the Donald Trump of film.