July 18, 2013

What Could Make Pacific Rim Better

       With Pacific Rim out and doing better than expected, but not as well, it gets me to think what could be better. This is one of the perfect summer blockbusters I've seen in a while. Summer blockbusters don't need to have the best story, but they do need the best visuals and some great action. In the end, every movie can get better. Even if it is the littlest changes.


1.   Battle Sequences.

This is pretty simple. Bring us more daytime sequences. The very few that were shown were epic. Watching monsters and robots battle during the day is like watching the Megazord go at it with Godzilla. Plus, daylight seems are more clear. The battle sequences are more crisp. The audience can see everything.

This other problem falls into the same category and is more or less a budget constraint. Larger battles between the Kaiju and Jaegers. I'm not saying these battles aren't intense and awesome. For a sequel it would be nice to see more Kaiju and Jaegers go at it. An awesome battle between three/four Jaegers and at least one or two Kaiju. I know that wouldn't work since Kaiju come out of the portal one at a time, but it would be an extremely great effort to go out of continuity for a portion of the film.

Also, show us the army. The film makes it pretty clear that the army took around six days to take down the first Kaiju. That's six days of nonstop bombardment. I know it is not just me who would like to see the army take that monster down.

2.  A complex story that is not spread between many disconnected characters.

The story was good. It was blockbuster good. It wasn't any better. The story would be great if we kept Charlie Day's character to a minimum, and left the story up to Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi. The romance between Charlie's character and Rinko's character was believable. If only the story expanded on it.

This film was straight forward in plot. However, the story was too complex once it introduced different aspects of communicating with Jaegers through a neural pattern. Too many characters were introduced to care about all of them. At the end of the day, the only characters that really mattered were Elba's Stacker Pentecost, Hunnam's Raleigh Becket, and Kikuchi's Mako Mori.

3.   Names.

This is more for a friend than my opinion. He loved the film, but always said that the one thing that could have been better was naming of the characters. He felt that Guillermo Del Toro took all his energy in naming the creatures and robots, but not the actual characters. In my opinion, I wasn't really caring at moments. There were times when I forgot who the characters were. How do you forget a name like Gypsy Danger? You can't. When you have a character named Raleigh, you forget. Of course the most memorable characters wouldn't be forgotten. Charlie Day's, Newton was a memorable character because it seemed like he was on crack the whole time. At the end of the day, Guillermo had to pick what he cared about most. He picked the monsters and robots.

4.   The Guillermo Effect.

This isn't a gripe unless you don't like Ron Perlman. I'll probably write a review later in time, but this could be a prequel to Hellboy. Ron Perlman plays a sorta bad ass with strange glasses. He can talk like Hellboy and act like Hellboy. In the end, he is a less monstrous version of Hellboy. Same with the monsters. The monsters could be described as simply Guillermo-esque. It would seem that we can watch Hellboy or Pan's Labyrinth and see the same creatures. Again, if you didn't like Guillermo's past films, you might not enjoy this film because of these reasons.

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